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Honest Argument Glossary

This is a guide to many of the terms used within Arguments and Argument Diagrams.

Many of the definitions below will refer to the following Argument Diagram

Active Argument
An Argument that has been voted into public activity from the Pending Arguments queue
The collection of Assertions - including the Thesis - serving to prove or disprove that Thesis.
Argument Administrator
The person responsible for moderating a particular Argument. This is usually the person who created the Argument
Argument Diagram
The graphical representation of an Argument in a hierarchical set of Supporting and Refuting Assertions.
Argument Moderator
A registered user level endowed with the privileges of creating Arguments, as well as adding Assertions to Arguments created by others.

A Moderator is not the Argument Administrator, unless the Moderator created or has otherwise been assigned Argument Administrator status for the Argument in question.

Argument Node
The representation of an Assertion statement in an Argument Diagram.

Each line in the diagram above is an individual Node

Argument Request
A publicly posted request for the creation of an Argument, on a particular topic, by any Argument Moderator.
A statement within an Argument that supports or refutes its parent.
Assertion Node
The representation of an Assertion in an Argument Diagram (same as Argument Node).

Each line in the diagram above is an individual Node

Child Assertion
An Assertion that directly supports or refutes any given Assertion.
Child Node
The representation within an Argument Diagram of a Child Assertion.

In the diagram above, Node 2 is a child of Node 1, as is Node 3. Similarly, Nodes 4 and 5 are children of Node 2, and Node 6 is a child of Node 3

The set of Assertions that directly support or refute any given Assertion. The Children of any given Node are always immediately to the right and below the Node.
Con Node
A Refuting Assertion Node. In the diagram above, Nodes 4 and 3 are Con Nodes
External Argument Diagram
A version of an Argument Diagram that is embeddable on blogs or any other websites
A registered user level endowed with the privileges of creating Arguments, as well as adding Assertions to Arguments created by others.

A Moderator is not the Argument Administator, unless the Moderator created or has otherwise been assigned Argument Administrator status for the Argument in question.

Parent Assertion
The Assertion that is supported or refuted by any given Assertion. All Assertions have a Parent, except for the Thesis (because the Argument has to start somewhere)
Parent Node
The representation within an Argument Diagram of a Parent Assertion. The Parent of any given Node is always immediately to the left and above the Node.

In the diagram above, Node 1 is the Parent of Nodes 2 and 3. Similarly, Node 2 is the Parent of Nodes 4 and 5, and Node 3 is the Parent of Node 6.

Pending Argument
An Argument that is being groomed and voted upon before assuming Active Argument status
Pending Arguments Queue
The temporary holding area for Arguments that are being groomed and voted upon before assuming Active Argument status
Pro Node
A Supporting Assertion Node.

In the diagram above, Nodes 2, 5 and 6 are Pro Nodes

Refuting Assertion
An Assertion that refutes its Parent Assertion
Refuting Assertion Node
The representation of a Refuting Assertion in an Argument Diagram.

In the diagram above, Nodes 4 and 3 are Refuting Assertion Nodes

Supporting Assertion
An Assertion that supports its Parent Assertion
Supporting Assertion Node
The representation of a Supporting Assertion in an Argument Diagram.

In the diagram above, Nodes 2, 5 and 6 are Supporting Assertion Nodes

An Assertion that states the Argument in its simplest form. The basis of the Argument.